Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Expanding Universe of Mobile Downloads

People are now able to customize their cellular phones through all kinds of mobile downloads. Ringtones are probably the most popular way in which people customize their mobile phones. Cell phone ringtones seem to be everywhere nowadays. A few years ago, you could program your own cellular ring tones, but the possibilities were pretty limited. As far as ring tones went, the phone was little better than an FM chip with a built in primitive synthesizer. Nowadays, mobile downloads can allow people to program their very favorite songs into their cell phone. It has made it possible for people to express their musical interests in their phones.

There are other forms of mobile downloads that people use to customize their cell phones. For instance, mobile game downloads are almost as popular as the ring tones. People really love their video games. In my opinion, mobile games are a bad idea. This is because they allow people to carry their addiction everywhere with them. Before mobile downloads became so widespread, you could not play your games while you were out of the house. Cell phones have now really changed all that. People can now play games almost anywhere with these game downloads. I think that it is very unfortunate because the rate of addiction is just so high in this country, even without all of the mobile games.

Mobile downloads which can provide useful information. For example, some of them will be able to give you the latest report on the weather anywhere in the world. Others can tell you the headlines and a short summary of all of the important news stories. There are even some mobile downloads which can give you continuously updated stock reports from any of the major stock markets. However, I personally think that all of this information is overrated. I’m trying to say that it’s not at all difficult for people to get home to see how their stocks are doing.

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