Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Which Cell Phone Service is Right for You?

Before you decide to buy a cell phone you should first decide which service is right for you, regular or prepaid cell phones service. Both options have positive and negative sides to them.

Here we will try to list the major benefits as well as drawbacks of prepaid cell phones.


1) Prepaid service is great for cell phone newbies. It is much simpler and you can learn as you go. It is very easy for a new cell phone user to go overboard and overcharge hers/his account.

No such problem with prepaid service, if you want to talk more you need to purchase minutes before you talk, so you are %100 in control. Also it is very easy to find a basic phone if you are just starting or do not need the extra options like camera, internet, MMS and many others.

On the other hand if you need them, fine you can still use them.

2) You can give them as present to your mother, father, grandmother, teenager kid or a friend. They can use them often, very rare or in emergencies. In any way, you always stay in contact.

Would you like to be able to contact your teenage daughter/son and know in an instant where and how are they? Well with prepaid service you can do just that and do not have to worry about getting an enormous monthly bill.

3) If you need cell phone but are not a regular user you can save a lot with prepaid cell phone. There will not be high monthly cell phone bills for minutes you paid for but did not use.

If you need it just in case of emergency then it is the right option for you.

4) Most of the regular contracts are now at least two years, so if you do not want to tie yourself up for that long, prepaid service is for you. No contract here.

Drawbacks or why prepaid service may not be right for you

1) If you are a heavy cell phone user, you will be much better off signing a contract. Regular monthly contracts have much better prices per minutes then prepaid service.

However make sure to think about when you will be using your minutes the most and then decide on a deal.

2) If you demand all of the latest features from your cell phone and plan on using most of them, you are probably better off with monthly paid service again.

Prepaid cell phones have many advanced features but service providers often reserve the latest few for their most valued costumers.

Which service is better? Only you can decide that. But the deciding factor should be how many minutes you plan to spend talking each month.

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